As a typical Indian doctor, I meet thousands of people in my clinic every year. My work with family court, Indian medical association, students of various disciplines, juvenile justice system, prison, NGOs, film & theater, etc. brings me in contact with people from literally ALL walks of life.
As a psychiatrist for children, I get to spend lot of time with all and get to dive deeper into their mind.
And I can assure you, I have never met identical people! Sheer diversity of human nature is mind boggling. Even in severe cases where similarity is supposed to be more than differences, what stands out is uniqueness of individuals.
When we say everyone is unique, this is something that I see thousands of times every year.
There are NO stereotypes!
A person believing in stereotypes of gender, caste, religion, language, social strata, nationality, occupation, has simply not looked beyond surface. Or has looked at the world through prejudice and past conditioning.
Never too late to truly open eyes and appreciate diversity of human mind.